Thursday, January 9, 2014

For the Love of Reading

I have always been a reader. Going to the library as a child and coming home with 8 new books was always a thrill! I have no idea how many books I have read in my lifetime... but since I started tracking my books at over a year ago I can tell you that I read 124 books in 2013.

As much as I love to quilt there are days when I am happily in the midst of a book. At any given time I have at least 3 books in progress - one "real" book, an ebook on my iPad and an audio book. Kind of like my quilting style where I like to have more than one project going at a time. I read myself to sleep most nights (thank you iPad!) and that is often the only way I can shut my mind down. I tend to lie awake and think too much.
As a part of my Year of Simplify I want to downsize my book collection. I have a stack of books in many places in our home and two bookcases that are overflowing. I don't buy a lot of books as a general rule (mostly quilting books lately) but I do want to have a small library of my favorites because I enjoy re-reading books. I have a few books that I re-read almost yearly.

I would also like to replace some of my favorite reference books with e-copies. I love being to able to annotate ebooks and find it useful to have some of my favorites always at hand. I'm trying one of my quilting magazines in an online version this year so I can see how that works for me. Have any of you moved to ebooks for quilting or magazines?  I'd love to hear what your thoughts are!
I also have a fair number of books that have either been given to me or I've purchased over the years that I've yet to read so those are high priority for the year. There are books on my shelf that are due to be returned to their owners as well.

So I was excited to learn via some email conversations with Sarah@sarah did it! that she was thinking about having a linky party for books. She also steered me to a great site called My Reader's Block for reading challenges where I have found 2 that meet my goals perfectly - 2014 Mount TBR and the Read it Again, Sam Challenge. Mount TBR (To Be Read) will get me going on the stack of new to me books that I already own and Read it Again, Sam gives me a good reason to dive into my re-read shelves and only keep the ones I still love.  
Quilting Books - old photo from 2012
Oh yes... quilting and other craft books... and magazines... and patterns... I have a few too many of those too! I'm going to challenge myself in February to start going through those for a downsize as well.

I'm currently reading "State of Wonder" by Ann Patchett which is on my TBR list... I think it was a selection from one of the monthly book clubs I used to belong to. I have read and enjoyed two of Patchett's earlier books "Bel Canto" and "The Patron Saint of Liars". I'm actually reading AND listening to "State of Wonder" as I was able to borrow an audio copy from the library. I'm having a very enjoyable afternoon working on my Road to Oklahoma blocks and listening along.
I'll show you a peek now... I have reconfigured my room a bit and will share more about that tomorrow.

I'm linking up to sarah did it!.


  1. Wowzer that was a lot of books last year! I think you'll do just fine on both reading challenges! Once upon a time I used to have lots of reading books but Mom made me clean them all out so now all I have are quilt/craft books and lighthouse/travel books. Strangely enough, Mom is now the one with stacks of reading books. Looking forward to hearing more about the books you're reading :)

  2. Oh my! I wouldn't have thought you had time for reading as well! I like to read; as a child trips to the library were very special indeed. But now, most of reading seems to be in the form of blogs and quilting books. My pile of books to read someday grows higher and higher!

  3. What a great post! You asked if anyone had moved to ebooks for quilting or magazines, I have subscribed to two on-line quilting magazines but find that sometimes I forget they're there and don't get around to reading them but I do prefer to physically have the book or magazine in my hand or on my bookshelves. That's probably just me I have a passion for books and not just quilting books. I have recently culled some of my books so my shelves look slightly more organised now. Looking forward to your next post with your new room configuration.

  4. My husband and I like to routinely go through things and purge. I always feel so good when I do that. What a fun idea to read some of them again before deciding.

    I haven't tried any quilting ebooks, but I know that Jennie of Porchswing Quilts loves them. She keeps them on her phone and knows how much fabric to buy for a new quilt when at the fabric shop. I believe with some of them you can still print out a particular pattern for a quilt you are working on, if you want a hard copy.

  5. We have bookcases that look just like that. And I also usually have more than one book going at any one time. Actually both my husband and I are voracious readers and even like a lot of the same authors luckily. And I also read myself to sleep most nights - it rests my brain. We cleaned out a lot of books when we moved to this house 8 years ago, but should do it again.

  6. Good luck with your book sorting.
    When we moved we reduced the number of books we kept. It was very worthwhile and I have not regretted any that we gave away. You know the ones you enjoy best and want to keep.

  7. I love to read as well, but haven't done as much as I would like recently. Probably because my waking hours are with the kids and then I try to sew for a couple hours at night, so by then I am exhausted. I've pretty much gone strictly to my Nook for reading, because then I always have it with me. I haven't done any book/mags on the nook related to quilting though. I am not a big owner of those.

  8. I loved reading this post!Thanks for all the links!AriadnefromGreece!

  9. LOL Looks just like our bookcases! I am a reader too~ almost anything I can get my hands on. I never thought of keeping track of my reads for a year, but already blew it as I took 4 books back to the library this week. I haven't converted to any e-books, I like having the book/magazine in my hands. Have a great day!

  10. I went to the public library every day as a child. I loved reading but lately the books I am reading are garden books.Not real exciting unless you like to garden.
    I don't have an e-reader but I think for me it would depend on what quilting book I would get on one. Maybe any e-book that doesn't require tracing a pattern would be alright.I think the same goes for magazines. Just a thought.

  11. No e-mags here. I really like to turn the pages and feel the paper, etc. My bookshelves overfloeth, also. I did get rid of quite a few mags and books but could always do more!!!! Have an awesome weekend!!!! Hugs....................

  12. You remind me of when I really cleaned out by crafting supplies and packed up two xerox boxes of scrapbook genre books....I could have gone the way of resell....but instead donated them al,l plus any scrapbooking supplies, to a women's shelter. It was hard to pack it up...but rejuvenating to drop them off thinking of the gift I was giving. The manager was planning on giving all the supplies to one of her instructors and they were going to start a "goal setting" class with the women!!! Getting all that scrapbooking stuff out...opening a new energy for my quilting!!! PS: I'm amazed at how much reading you get it! NICE!!!

  13. Ok, we have so much in common. This post reminded me that I had not counted last year's reads up. Then I spent a long time looking for a list of my Kindle reads that had disappeared with the Holiday clean up. I also spent a long time checking out the links in your post and I think I could get through at least one challenge without even trying. Since I've kept a list for several years I even have a head start on the month one! ;- ) Needless to say these activities (and a few errands) kept me out of the studio today. Now I'm off to finish my tallying so I can blog about it and the challenge.

  14. Deb, I loved this post!! I am a book hoarder from waaaay back, but when we moved to the RV, the majority of my book (and magazine) collection had to go. Forget storage space ... they're heavy and weigh is important for an RVer! Since we weren't on the road right away, I *did* keep my tea books, my quilting books, my paperback books of Lord of the Rings and the Mitford series, and a handful of cookbooks. Everything else, if it was important, I'm slowing adding to my kindle. Especially like you said, my reference books! I'm slowing making my way through my quilting books and determining if they're truly keepers or if they need to go. My tea books will stay with me always. LOL! My magazines I scan to pdf -- that way I can read them on my computer -- print out a page if I need to -- or email them to my kindle to read. I like that better than getting them in e-format -- I have more choices that way. Happy reading!!! :)

  15. Wow! That's quite a few books read last year. I too am a book lover; I have a Kindle and like the convenience of it, but since I sometimes treat used book sales as a form of stress relief, I'm not sure I'll ever give my overburdened shelves a break :-) It was funny that I read your post today because I put some books into Goodreads today before I lost track of the audiobooks that I had listened too; I don't think I'd have the attention span that I do for quilting if I couldn't be listening to a book at the same time.

  16. We have a lot in common too. I love reading, but I'm so impressed with your number!. I probably read about 40 books last year. I read in bed. I usually get through three or four pages and find myself asleep with the book on my face!


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