Friday, March 14, 2014

A No Sew Week

I can't remember the last time I've gone a week without sewing a stitch. And I'm perfectly OK with that because I've been all about this.
Image from
I'm happily hooked on clearing out closets, drawers, cupboards and all of the hidden clutter spots in my home. I think my Olympic Organizathon really kick started me into the next gear of my year long plan to simplify my home one area a month. Being an all or nothing kind of person I'm going to go with the flow and get 'er done while the getting is good!
Image from
So until this addiction flames out or I've hit the last spot on my list I won't have much to blog about. Could be tomorrow... could be a few more weeks. No worries.


  1. I keep admiring the motivation - good for you! Very smart to just keep at it while that motivation is still working. I was hoping to tackle some of my basement storage area this weekend, but now we'll have company. Granddaughter trumps cleaning - new excuse. :-)

  2. What?? I thought organizing was 99% pretty boxes and 1% motivation! ;)

  3. You're my hero. That's all I can say. Such will power to ignore the call of all that beautiful fabric and organized sewing room for the sake of the greater organized house. Wow.

  4. A clutter free home just feels so good. I basically did this same thing a few years ago when I got tired of dusting. The only room that I struggle with is my sewing room and I hope to change that once we move and I get to set up a new room to keep my stuff in.

  5. You're certainly on a roll with organising! Good luck with getting everything done that you want to :)

  6. Get while the gettin is good as my FIL would say. I hope it kicks in at my house soon!

  7. Spent the other day cleaning out the craft room in preperation of sewing, but ended up not stitching a thing. It's like that sometimes.

  8. Take advantage of the motivation while it's alive and kicking. Good for you!

  9. You can always blog about the antics of Tucker and Elsa. I love seeing their cute kitty faces.

  10. I am glad you are enjoying this productive time. Keep it up. I thought of you when I did some reorganizing in my quilting closet.

  11. We are all spoiled by your creative bursts that provide us all with gorgeous eye candy. Now you are taking a bit of time to regroup and reorganize, so you deserve all our support!

  12. Hello Deb Quilts! I saw your name on the 40 Bags in 40 Days FB page and just had to look a fellow quilter up! Love your blog! You are doing much better at organizing than me. But I'm claiming 3 surgeries in three months for three family members as part of the hold up. Plus Daughter #2 is using our guest room as her pre-wedding storage area. One bag at a time!

  13. I find it so fun to look back at where my quilting started. Mine was with a log cabin banner. I was so proud, but when I look at it now I laugh.


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